Revival Starts in the Mirror – Introduction

With all that has transpired in the last year or so, I’m amazed that I hear and read little about revival from today’s pastors and fellow Christians. Could it be that the term “revival” is considered antiquated, or could it be that we may not see a need for it? Maybe it’s that attempts for “revival” have been human attempts and some man-made, manufactured manipulation that has not produced lasting results, so now no one wants “revival” if it’s only a pathetic imitation and not the real thing?

Whatever you want to call “revival”, we need it! I can remember attending many meetings called “revival services” that were empty. I think what happened is that many were looking for emotional hype and never wanted the biblical responsibility that comes with it. Second Chronicles 7:14 gives a fourfold formula for a revolutionary revival. Here’s the important thing about revival – it begins in the mirror.

The “revival in the mirror” of which I speak is your personal focus on getting right with God. Don’t you worry about the woman you know who leads a Bible study at your church and spends the rest of the week gossiping about everyone she does and doesn’t know. Don’t worry about the pastor on the ego trip or the boss at work that treats everyone horribly and then leads worship on Sunday. You are not responsible for them. When you stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ, Jesus isn’t going to hang out with you and talk about all those hypocrites down at your church. He’s going to talk with you about you.

Rather than go into a long post that contains all the information about the fourfold formula for personal revival and transformation, I will break this up into a series. God challenged my heart about this while I was driving this morning, and I have no doubt He will challenge you over these next few posts. Stick with me as we break this life-changing truth down. May God revolutionize your life and may it spread like wildfire in Jesus’ name!

6 responses to “Revival Starts in the Mirror – Introduction”

  1. So true. Work on our relationship with Christ before you try to help someone else.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. In For GOD’s Impartial Goodness Sake,
    the comment you left is excellent. As we each know, GOD renews mercies every single day. GOD Sent As
    Surrounded By The Impartial, The Way, The Truth, and The Life, also, most absolutely certain, of course,
    as The Good Book, The One True The Holy Bible says, Jesus The Beloved One True Messiah Anointed Always Known As Divine Mediator, As Priest,
    Prophet, King of kings, Lord of lords, Many Diadems Savior, Judge, Teacher, and many more.
    Thus, your article regarding revival or renewal or could be ‘refreshed’ does most assuredly assert
    that apart from The Lord Almighty Benevolent GOD’s Divinely Granted Favor, unearned by anyone
    whatsoever in humankind, history will repeat;- whereas, GOD Always Sets The Absolute Precepts, Works Of The Law, Ordinances, Practices and all Holy Excellent Justice And Peace Embraced Absolutely Steadfast Compassion,
    by the Grace (Divinely Given Favor) either by impetus because of Being in the image and likeness of God, human;-
    or the actual literal completely, in GOD’s Impartial Purview, Divinely Given Favor Received As Blessed Assurance For Earth as an Individual Family Member, but also after last breath, last heartbeat, into the hereafter.
    “The Lord Is my Shepherd, there is nothing I shall want.” Psalm 23:1
    “For God So Loved the world, that He gave His Only Begotten Son,
    that whosoever believes in Him, shall not perish but have Everlasting life.” – John 3:16
    “Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today, and forever.” – Hebrews 13:8
    Much appreciation to you and your family, Matthew Winters.
    Ours, Joseph, also known as Frank because my foster parents Frank & Ida Cimino
    are In The Lord God Almighty we trust, very dear to us. The paternal and maternal
    family tradition actually could have named me, Frank, as I’ve been told by reliable witnesses.
    So, have a wonderful day. Peace.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Sandy - ClearReveal Avatar
    Sandy – ClearReveal

    It’s about our personal relationship with Christ.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Very true my friend! Honestly, I believe revival is breaking out in other more persecuted parts of the world and that the true revival here hasn’t yet happened but is drawing near. I believe this is a pruning phase and while it seems the church is getting smaller, it’s members who remain are those who truly love Christ onto death. Praying for our country and our church that we will have courage to act before that very right is taken from us. God bless!

    Liked by 1 person

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