Matthew Winters

  • Miniature Jesus

    Isn’t he just the cutest thing?!? Let’s stop with that junk right now! I just had a massive revelation during my prayer time today. Most of us do this with Jesus – we shrink Him. What do you mean, Matthew? We make everything else bigger than Him. We value others’ opinions of us, our own…

  • Toes and Teeth

    Have you ever had surgery? What for? You may read the title and think, “Toes and teeth have no correlation unless you’re a redneck.” You are probably right 9 out of 10 times. Here is the one case when you would be wrong. Toes and teeth are the only surgeries I have experienced. My first…

  • Tiramisu

    What’s the most delicious thing you’ve ever eaten? Tiramisu…I remember the first time I heard this word. I thought it might be some oriental pain relief technique or meditation practice. My family didn’t eat out a lot, so I found my girlfriend at the time having to school me on what this is. Not wanting…

  • The Same Outfit?

    If you were forced to wear one outfit over and over again, what would it be? Before I answer this question, let me clarify that I would wash it regularly. I would wear a t-shirt and jeans every day if I could. I have been a t-shirt and jeans guy for as long as I…

  • Spirituality – Is It Really That Bad?

    How important is spirituality in your life? I will probably define spirituality differently than my conservative brothers and sisters. Please remember that I am conservative. Many are so afraid of the worldly definition that they forget that the Bible uses the word “spiritual” in a positive way. With that said, I will tell how biblical…

  • Scrolling, Scrolling, Scrolling

    How do you waste the most time every day? If you’re older, a revised rendition of the “Rawhide” TV show theme song may have played through your head when you read my title. While Rawhide’s lyrics were “rolling, rolling, rolling”, most of us are scrolling, and it’s the biggest time-waster. I would dare say a…

  • Time to Make the Doughnuts

    Which food, when you eat it, instantly transports you to childhood? If you’re my age or older, you read the title and thought of the place we once called “Dunkin Donuts”, now simply called “Dunkin”. You probably remember the guy with the mustache who went into the shop before sunlight to make the donuts. My…

  • July 2009

    Describe one of your favorite moments. One of my favorite moments happened in July 2009. A church in Seneca, South Carolina was considering me for their next Minister of Music and Education. I had spent 6 grueling years in my previous ministry. Please understand there were some great people in that church, but the pastor…

  • I Could Have Fun with This Answer

    What’s the oldest thing you own that you still use daily? I would love to have fun with this answer. I wish I had some old item that I have used since childhood, but I don’t. My car may be the oldest thing I use daily. I purchased it in February 2017. At the end…

  • Bring on the Pumpkins

    What is your favorite season of year? Why? My favorite season of the year is Fall. Because I don’t like cold or hot, Winter and Summer are out for me. Give me a time of year when there is a cool breeze and the beauty of the day is strangely found in what is dying.…