Bring on the Pumpkins

What is your favorite season of year? Why?

My favorite season of the year is Fall. Because I don’t like cold or hot, Winter and Summer are out for me. Give me a time of year when there is a cool breeze and the beauty of the day is strangely found in what is dying. Have you thought about that? The beautiful colors of Fall shine as the leaves are dying and are about to fall from the trees. I have seen this all too frequently in a human’s life too.

When I was a hospice chaplain, I cannot tell you how many times I was present in a patient’s final days, sometimes even hours and minutes. When you got to know the patient’s story, you got a glimpse very similar to the beauty of Fall. I was able to see that with my mother.

My mom had always been afraid of death, specifically being alone when that time would come. In her last two weeks, she was on a ventilator for the first four days. When she came off the ventilator, so much was still uncertain. The doctors had confirmed a massive heart attack and were speculating multiple strokes. They never said for sure until the medical director had the hospice talk with us one week in. When the doctor turned to ask my mother if she understood what he said, her response was, “I did, and I’m ready to die. I know where I’m going.” While the moment wasn’t easy, it became easier when she demonstrated unprecedented courage when facing fatal news.

During the next week, my mom displayed the beauty of Fall. As she made her way from this life to life eternal, she shined like never before. She conducted her last days in the same quiet way she had conducted the rest of her life. The difference was it wasn’t dominated by anxiety, depression, and mental illness. Peace was the reigning theme.

On Wednesday night, January 11, 2023, I suspected she would ease out. I saw some slight changes in her breathing patterns. The hospice nurse saw it very slightly, but it was nothing to be of concern at that moment. I chose to stay through the night. When Mom was awake for the last time, the nurse said, “Matthew’s here. He’s been here all night.” Minutes later, she fell asleep and woke up in the Lord’s presence almost 24 hours later. I believe Mom needed to hear that I was there so she would relax and make her way into eternal life.

I left that Thursday night around 9:30 pm. The nurses did not believe she would pass away that night, and I honestly thought she would go sometime the next day. At 3:50 am on Friday, I received the call. It was the moment I had been bracing myself for since she went on the ventilator – the moment I knew was inevitable. Mom was with Jesus!

When I walked into the hospice room, I saw a look on her face that I haven’t seen in years. It was the look of joy – true, pure joy! I had seen that look when she was enjoying the presence of family, but it was magnified. I no longer saw the agony of physical or emotional pain. There was a peace that radiated. It was as if her face had altered when she entered the portals of glory to leave the pain and sorrow of this wicked world behind.

Fall is my favorite. Even in death, there can be beauty. Not to mention, all things pumpkin are on the menu, and I fight not to overindulge. In just a few months, I’ll tell you exactly where you will find me – driving through the mountains when the leaves are in all their glory or near the pumpkin donuts. If I’m in my right mind, I’ll save you a few.

14 responses to “Bring on the Pumpkins”

  1. Willie Torres Jr. Avatar
    Willie Torres Jr.

    Your reflection on Fall and its profound connection to life and death is deeply moving.
    The way you describe the season’s beauty amidst the dying leaves is poignant and evocative. Your experiences as a hospice chaplain and your mother’s final days beautifully illustrate the metaphor of Fall. It’s a reminder that even in the most difficult moments, there can be profound beauty and peace.
    Your mother’s courage and serenity in her last days are inspiring, and your presence with her during that time undoubtedly brought her comfort.
    Thank you for sharing such a personal and heartfelt story. It’s a testament to the strength and beauty found in life’s transitions, much like the colors of Fall.
    And I can’t agree more about the allure of all things pumpkin—it’s one of the many joys of the season! 🎃🍁🌿🍃🍂🎃

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, my friend! It’s amazing how the words flow thanks to the blogging prompts. I set out to write a simple post about Fall and pumpkins, but the words flowed in a different direction. Thanks for your thoughtful response!

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      1. Willie Torres Jr. Avatar
        Willie Torres Jr.

        I know the feeling. Sometimes for me, it’s the Holy Spirit just taking over.

        God Bless You Brother.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Matthew,

    Willie shared so beautifully how I feel too. Your words pierced my heart. Thank you for sharing about your Mom’s walk home. And the peace and joy, not only on her face, but in your heart that she met Jesus. I’m sorry for your loss here on Earth and celebrate with you–her presence with Jesus and all things Fall. So much beauty here, my friend.

    Fall is my all-time favorite time of the year. I love all things pumpkin, falling leaves, flannel, and trails. I’m not a fan of heat or cold.

    Your mom’s courage speaks to me. When I was diagnosed two years ago, they thought I wouldn’t live 5 months. Here I am. I don’t understand God’s plans. But that’s ok. Because I trust him and know where I’m going! My suffering draws me close to our Savior! Joy is in me and will never leave, my friend. I appreciate you so much! God bless you and yours!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Willie Torres Jr. Avatar
      Willie Torres Jr.

      Amen 🙏🤗♥️

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      1. Thank you, sweet friend! God bless you, Willie!

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    2. You have been a consistent source of encouragement for the past few years of my writing journey. Thank you for shining the light of Jesus through your words and testimony!

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      1. It’s my blessing, my friend. I feel that way about you, too! God bless you!

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  3. Willie Torres Jr. Avatar
    Willie Torres Jr.

    God Bless you all. God Bless you K.L. Hale.

    Beautiful Words you spoke in regards to Brother Matthews Post

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Beautifully written! Actually beauty is everywhere we just need to feel it. I love winter because we get only three months 😁

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wonderful perspective! Beauty is everywhere!

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  5. Fall is my favorite too. Because it is beautiful to let go and trust that Spring will come around after winter.

    Also could you pray for me? I am struggling as a Christian. Have a lot of head knowledge but little heart knowledge. Almost no faith.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for the privilege of praying for you! I pray that your faith will be strengthened. May you feel the sweet presence of the Lord as you walk with Him.

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