Rebuilding Strength After a Setback

Photo from Men’s Journal

If you and I are honest, each of us has had at least one setback in life. It may have been a financial setback, a flight delay, or a sickness. Setbacks don’t have to be very detrimental, but they often are. How do we rebuild strength after a setback? The biblical prescription might shock you.

When we experience a setback, most of us don’t want to stay where we are. We want to make a comeback. In fact, the quicker the comeback, the better. We get so discouraged in our setback, but many of us don’t want to do the grunt work or follow the “doctor’s orders”. When you read the biblical prescription, you will most likely want to do something different.

Isaiah 40:31 gives the prescription. Many remember the part in the verse about soaring like eagles. Who doesn’t want that? Some remember even more of the verse that talks about running without being weary and walking without fainting. Sounds great, right? But the first part is key if we are going to soar, walk, and run.

Here is what the verse says:

“But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.”
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭40:31‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Who are the ones who renew their strength? Those who WAIT! (Mic drop) All of a sudden, strength renewal has lost its appeal. You mean I have to wait in order to renew my strength? Yep!

Here are a couple of things to note about waiting:

Waiting still requires active obedience. What do waiters in restaurants do? They serve. We still continue to obey and serve the Lord while we wait.

Waiting sometimes requires stillness. The psalmist said, “Be still and know that I am God.” In that stillness, we exercise faith. We still trust and believe (know) that He is still God and that all His promises are Yes and Amen. Isaiah refers to this as quiet confidence. Isaiah 30:15 says, “In quietness and confidence will be your strength.” Sometimes, God says, “Shut up and trust Me.”

This prescription goes against the philosophy of the day. We are accustomed to instant gratification. God says we have to wait and trust. As we build these necessary patience-building skills, we will find supernatural strength.

Friend, give up your little formulas to prove to everybody you’ve got it together. Your plans are gonna mess you up like Abraham screwed things up. God promised him a son named Isaac, but the timing of his birth wasn’t quick enough. Abraham’s wife told him to have sexual relations with their handmaid, Hagar (stupid move). She conceived a child, and the drama began. What happens when you try to rush God? Chaos!

I guarantee you want to rebuild strength if you have experienced a setback. The thing is you must do it God’s way. God has been so gracious in giving us direction. Let’s receive it and obey it.

10 responses to “Rebuilding Strength After a Setback”

  1. Matthew this is so relevant to what I’m going through right now! Thanks for reminding me that my strength is found in quietness and trust in God. I’ve had so many things going on this month. Hosting a family of seven in my house (the count was 10 kids and 4 adults in our home), along with helping my mother in-law with her wedding and making her wedding cake and dessert table. Then to top it off my whole family’s been sick with the flu for over a week. (That’s right, the same week everything else was going on) It was like the perfect storm. This morning I thought it was finally over when the school called to tell me my poor boy threw up again (he already had the flu last week). I just feel so weary. God, renew our strength as we learn to rest in you!

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    1. Matthew Winters Avatar
      Matthew Winters

      Heather, your plate is full and running over. I pray that God’s all-sufficient grace will be poured out in abundance upon you. May healing sweep through your house, and encouragement flood your hearts in Jesus’ name!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Love this! Patience is a virtue. Blessings!

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    1. Matthew Winters Avatar
      Matthew Winters

      Indeed! Blessings to you too!

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      1. I didn’t realize I had not followed your new blog! I’m glad I caught it!

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      2. Matthew Winters Avatar
        Matthew Winters

        It’s great to reconnect here! I couldn’t stay away for long.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Waiting is always hard, especially when we want the trial to be over. We want to be on the mountain top rather than in the trees and brambles of life below. But, the mountain top is barren, nothing grows there. The growth comes in the brambles and briers of life down in the muck and difficulties. Wait so that you can think about all that you are learning of God’s love, His presence, His comfort, His peace, His power … then, when the trial is over, you can share your experience with others going through the same thing. Trials are meant to teach us to be more like Christ; share your experience with others for their comfort and growth in Him. Thanks for this post, Matthew.

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    1. Matthew Winters Avatar
      Matthew Winters

      There’s a lot of meat to this response. Thank you!

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